Aarhus University Seal

Statistics online since 1941

Data from the Danish Bag Statistics can be shown either as a bar chart or on a map. Data includes all species that have or have had an open hunting season, but also includes species that have been regulated by hunting.

The Danish Bag Statistics dates back to 1941. From 1955 until 2005, hunters reported their bag by county (N=14). From 2006 hunting bags were reporting by municipality (N=98).

Each year in June, the preliminary hunting bag figures are published from the last hunting season (end of season 31 March). These numbers can change until the final statistics are available. The preliminary yields are shown in a different color in both charts and maps.

ERRORS - The hunting bag is based on the hunters own reports of their personal hunting bag. Consequently, error entries of both species and numbers bagged may exist. Likewise, some records may have been reported to a wrong municipality. These errors are few and does not affect the aggregate statistics significantly.

The bar charts show the total or species specific hunting bag in single hunting seasons since 1941. The species are listed alphabetically under the Danish names, but they are supplemented with the Latin names, so it is possible to find information for non-Danish speakers. Not all species have had a hunting period or have been reported from the start in 1941. Other species has become huntable at a later date.

You can choose to view the total bag or choose a species or county / municipality in the drop-down menus. The bag data is available at county level until 2005, and from 2006 onwards at municipality level.

The total hunting bag of each year is displayed by holding the mouse on the columns.

Data displayed in the bar chart can be exported to different graphics platforms via the inserted icons or downloaded as a text file (.csv) that can be opened in Excel.

The map shows the total or species specific hunting bag in Denmark divided by county (from 1955 to 2005) or by municipalities (from 2006 onward).

In the drop-down menus, you can choose a species (alphabetically listed by the Danish names - with the addition of Latin names) and years. Clicking the mouse on the counties or municipalities on the map displays the relevant numbers for the current area in the inserted information box.

The map shows the numerical hunting bag, but you can choose to show the hunting bag per km2 by selecting this in the field below the card.

To clarify differences in the hunting bag between counties / municipalities, you can change the scale below the map by drawing the square boundaries. It is possible to switch between a normal scale and a logarithmic scale, which may be relevant to species that have a skewed distribution throughout Denmark. The map shows, by default, the optimal distribution in 5 classes ("Natural Jenks").

The current map can be saved as an image (.png or .svg files) and the underlying data can be downloaded as a text file (.csv), which can be opened in Excel.